2016-02-28 - RCT with RR

^z 9th July 2023 at 7:34pm

~7.0 miles @ ~11.7 min/mi

"It seemed like a bad idea at the time!" I admit to Rebecca, as we run beneath the high Georgetown Branch railroad trestle over Rock Creek. Memories flood back, of wading through the waters here knee-deep (see 2012-10-29 - Hurricane Sandy Soggy Circuit). Rebecca scolds, appropriately.

Before today's frosty trek Jerry Epstein tests his knee, finds it wanting, and like yesterday wisely decides not to (further) damage it. From Candy Cane City RR and I head south to the DC border in search of Santa Steve and his crew. Nobody we ask on the way reports seeing him — and no reindeer spoor or elven footprints are visible in the mud. So we turn north and climb the Mormon Temple hill.

We compare movies: "27 Dresses" vs "The Wedding Planner" vs "Runaway Bride". Rebecca recalls her sister's nuptials at the nearby Audubon Naturalist Society. We share stories of being in the Now, of non-clinging and non-judging, of taking joy at all that is. A fast runner zooms by, finishing his 17 miles of Boston Marathon prep. We salute.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-03-13